- back to the last directory
$ cd -
- clear terminal
clear all$ clear
clear and keep history output
ctrl + L
- save & take out directories
$ pushd my_dir # cd and save dir $ popd my_dir # cd to the latest
- history
For zsh: edit~/.zshrc
addexport HISTFILEFLESIZE=1000000000 export HISTSIZE=1000000000 export HISTTIMEFORMAT="[%F %T ]" setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS
- Drop dublicates.
- Show date and time
$ history -E
2 23.6.2022 18:53 cd
5 23.6.2022 18:54 hisotry
9 23.6.2022 18:54 ps -ef | clash
10 23.6.2022 18:55 fg